Entry #5. Fresh

Food is one of the biggest parts of our lives. We need it to survive, and we also use it to socialize. It is such a common thing that I had never questioned where it came from or how it is prepared beyond getting it at the grocery store. Watching the documetry 'Fresh' was a huge eye opener. It made me question my health and wellbeing. 

The purpose of 'Fresh' is to open the audience's eyes on what exactly they are putting into their bodies. The tone in this film was informative and scary. It made me feel gross about what I am consuming. One thing that I don't think I will ever be able to forget is the fact that the food industry is feeding dead cows to cows. The film also shed light on the how mistreated the animals were. 

I was also very disturbed about the fact that this is a huge problem but yet not a lot of people are educated. This affects everyone but not enough people are aware and if they are, not enough people are doing anything about it. My main concern is that we are all going to continue to ignore the problem and will greatly pay for it down the future when our health begins to deteriorate. 

This film is very effective in conveying their message, so much so that I know watch what I eat and where I purchase my food. I hope that after all watching this film we will chose to take action and not turn the other way and forget this serious issue.


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